Thursday, June 28, 2012

Christmas Socks

Sooo, I work from home. 

And, by home, I mean my parent's home. And, by my parent's home, I mean our landlord's home, which is fully furnished with more than everything we could possibly want/need times a bajillion. Or, maybe I will end up needing 34 pillows. I'm not sure. Maybe someday I'll get invited on a camping trip with a polygamous Mormon family and I can offer to bring the pillows. One can only hope.

At any rate, what does working from "home" mean? Christmas socks every day ya'll!
I actually don't wear too many socks or jeans in Florida. Usually it's flip flops and shorts...especially this time of year. This was just a rare day in which I was really gussied up. Clearly, I take my dress attire at work very seriously, so sometimes I go all out and go for the good stuff.

Seriously though, I know the fact that I work from home is a source of a little bit of jealousy for some of my friends. And, trust me, most of the time it's pretty awesome. The pros definitely outweigh the cons, and hopefully I'll be able to continue to work from home for a long while. But, that remains to be seen. There are so many things I'm able to do now that I could never even come close to doing at a regular job. I'm not going to list them all because it should be fairly obvious. So, even though there are some days where it's extremely annoying and frustrating for a wide variety of reasons, I'm really trying to enjoy it and take it all in while I can since it's quite a luxury. 

One of the things that's kind of annoying though is I have all these nice, dressy, "work" clothes that go to waste now. I'm not going to get all dressed up in a fucking skirt and blouse just to impress my parents and sit around at my computer at my house. So, I end up wearing a bunch of generic, boring clothes pajamas all day instead. It's not the most pleasant sight...pajamas, a bra if I'm feeling modest, no makeup, fake glasses, the whole nine. Oh, and my hair doesn't do too well in, that usually looks pretty jacked up and frizzy as well. Altogether, it's the makings for an attractive look.

It's a wonder that, when the need arises, I'm still able to pull myself together fairly well and resemble a normal, contributing member of society.

(FYI, I'm exaggerating a wee bit...even though I do reside in central Florida, I'm not that much of a low life :said while taking a swig of Natural Ice:).


  1. At least you don't have to worry about getting reprimanded at work for showing off your ankles in the office and "giving old men boners" haha

  2. lol...who knew shorts and converse weren't appropriate work attire?? i had no clue! i was coming from keiler where i could have worn a damn bikini if i pleased! haaaaa...
