Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Warning: I'm going to hell!

Dating sites are so funny with the stuff they make you fill out.

On, if you end up leaving any of your stats blank like your height, body type, religion, smoking habits, education, etc. it automatically defaults to "I'll tell you later"...which I find hysterical. I mean, these are important things, that someone probably wants to know right now. I don't want to find out later that you're super short, obese, smoke like a chimney and/or barely graduated high school. I want to know that shit right now! That way, I don't have to meet you. Chances are, if you're leaving this sort of basic stuff blank, it's not a good all.

That being said, I'm going to totally contradict myself here because I always leave the religion question blank. I don't really want to put "atheist" because of the negative connotation it holds (i.e. I want to kill all your friends and p.s. I believe in Satan), and I don't want to put "agnostic" because I don't want to be associated with "I don't know, I don't think so, but maybe?, because I don't want to go to hell in case I'm wrong." Then, there's the option of "spiritual but not religious"...which I also don't want to put because it's just a bullshit bunch of fluff. When you put "spiritual but not religious", it likely means one of three things 1) I'm some sort of Christian but I don't go to church 2) I don't know what the fuck to put for this, so I'll pick this one because it contains the most words 3) I want you to think I enjoy meditating and star gazing.

So yeah, even though I would associate most with the atheist, agnostic or spiritual but not religious options, I don't like choosing any of those, so I leave it blank. Therefore, for me personally, when my profile says "I'll tell you later", what it really means to say is "I'll tell you later that I don't believe in god and think organized religion is a bunch of malarky." I'm pretty sure that's what it also means for most people that go this route (it's never like "I'll tell you later"...Guess what? Good news! I'm a Christian!). The only time this line of thought might lead you astray is when someone is a polygamist mormon or a scientologist or something along those lines. In those scenarios, "I'll tell you later" most likely means "I'll tell you much later because I have some pretty fucked up views, and also, I'm trying to work through some things with my therapist."

Why does it have to default to "I'll tell you later"? Your guess is as good as mine. Are you supposed to communicate during relationships and tell each other these types of things? I don't know. I think it should just remain blank. Most of the time, people just look at your photos anyway.

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