I wasn't sure if I should start a blog or not. I always kind of wanted to because I love reading other people's blogs (in a healthy fashion, definitely not obsessively) and I like writing. Plus, at least it's something that's less mindless than perusing Facebook for useless information and 'liking' things that I don't necessarily like. I mean, do I reeeally need to know what someone I met for 5 min. in high school is up to now? I barely remember her and sure, her kid is super cute, but seriously? I suppose I could weed out my friend list to my 'actual' friends (hahahaha...yeah right), but pffft, that'd be like 20 people tops, and what fun would that be? I need to see who is getting fat, getting divorced, etc. You know, the IMPORTANT stuff.
So yeah, what could I possibly have to 'blog' about? Usually people write blogs when they have kids as a way to document their lives and them growing up. I have no kids. Or when people are in really happy, lovey dovey relationships or marriages. I'm single. Or when they have really big time jobs and need to teach everyone else about advances in medicine or the newest trends in internet marketing. But, like, I have a dog (sort of - she's really small), and I have a job (sort of - I have two quasi part-time jobs), so I should be allowed to blog too! I can be interesting too! Plus, I live amongst old people in an 'active adult' retirement community, so I'm pretty sure I can come up with some decent stories to tell from time to time.
Anyway, my original reason for this post was to talk about how Pippi (my 2 year old, 6 pound Yorkie) is turning me into a weirdo. I'll write later about how I ended up with such a tiny, cute little thang but not right now. In the past, I've always come up with weird nicknames for our dogs, and I usually end up getting my whole family to use the same nicknames (Mr. Woogs, for example, when our dog's name was actually Monty). But, with Pippi, it's like, really bad! I'm not sure if it's just cuz she's really adorable and I want to squish her face all the time or what, but she has an insane and unhealthy amount of nicknames. The poor thing. Sometimes I test her ability to actually know her real name of Pippi because I'm worried for her.
Here are her nicknames (in no particular order):
Youngin' (in English and with a French accent :/)
Little youngin'
Young young
Miss Pips
Pippin' Pipin'
Stinky stinks
Stinker butt
Cutie patutie
And, I'm prettyyy confident there are at least a handful of others. I have to be cognisant of it when I'm around other people because it's pretty easy to sound like a crazy person when you're calling the same dog by 5-6 different names all in the span of a few minutes.
Oh, and do you know that opening song from the show "New Girl"? It goes like..."Who's that girl? It's Jess!" Well, I sing that to Pippi, only with "Who's that girl? It's Pips!" Uhhh, yeahhh...
Well, I think this entry turned out to be a prime example of why I SHOULDN'T be blogging...how ironic. But seriously, look at this face...too frickin' cute for her own good!

First of all, I love that you're writing a blog! You write like you speak and it makes me missing being able to sit around a lunch table talking to you! But since you had to move all the way to Florida, I'll take this as a good way to keep up on your misadventures.
ReplyDeleteGeneral mushiness aside, I thought it would make you feel less like a weirdo if I said we also call our cat by ridiculous nicknames to the point where I to will make it a point to look at her once a day and say "Izzy" to her face, so she don't get confused. (Luckily we don't go out in public with the cat, so our secret is safe... until now. haha)
Here's some of the versions of her name that get kicked around...(mostly created by Matt will me then joining in)
Izzy Bizzy
Izzy Bizz
Mfff (more of a sound than a word)
Smush moof
Pfff (again more of a sound)
Kitty Poops
haaa...i'm glad you enjoyed reading laura! and, i love those nicknames for little izzy pop! especially the ones that are just noises versus words :)
DeleteEm I have ALWAYS called Bailey "Mongers" or "Mongeroo"... no clue why! So you're not alone in this. Keep up the crazy :)
ReplyDeletei will! thanks shan...mongeroo is a good one!