Friday, June 1, 2012

John Mayer, etc.

I'm not the biggest John Mayer fan by any stretch of the imagination. He went to my high school, although admittedly, I never met him because he graduated before I even started. I actually like his voice a whole lot, but his songs usually just don't do anything for me. They're too boring...or something. I'd rather watch paint dry or poke my eyes with sharp objects or partake in competitive sporting events. However, I have to say, I'm liking this song. He looks a little ridiculous though...kinda like he's auditioning for Brokeback Mountain.

Sometimes I forget music videos even exist until I look them up on YouTube...the source for all things reliable and true. Now that Carson Daly is a sell out and isn't running the show over there at TRL, I don't have a clue what's going on.

On a related note (and, when I say "related", I'm using that word with the loosest interpretation possible), I received a funny video (see the relation? another video) from my parents last weekend when they were in Ohio visiting my grandmother and doing fun things for her like weeding her garden, cleaning her gutters, etc...all while drinking kool aid (a.k.a. wine) to make the experience all the more enjoyable. My mom just discovered that she can make videos on her iPhone, so that should pretty much set you off on the right foot. Here it is.

Pretty funny. 30 years of marriage and still going strong! If only we could all be so lucky.

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