Anyone that really knows me is privy to the fact that I'm slightly obsessed with Brett Dennen...he's a singer for those of you that don't know. It all started when I visited my friend Haley (who now lives in San Fran) in Santa Fe, NM. I think it was close to the year after my college graduation, so perhaps 2005 or 2006? She said we were going to go see a singer named Brett Dennen at some brewery/little live music venue near by and that I better listen to some of his music ahead of time. So, we listened to some iTunes of his first album. Well, I loved it, and then I loved the show even more...aside from all the hippies flitting around and swaying with no bras on and such. I was hooked.
Like little groupies, we then followed his band the next night to Albuquerque and saw him again. Serious groupie style too...1980 something or other boxy Volvo that couldn't go over 60 mph without shaking. We even had a pack of American Spirit cigarettes in tow. Serious business; we weren't messing around. This time we waited around after the show and got to talk to the band...uh, everyone, that is, except for Brett.
Now, he's not a looker by a long shot. Red hair, freckles, shakes his hips around like a child-bearing woman. He looks just like a stereotypical hippie. But, I don't know, I just loved his music from the get go. You know when you just love something from the very beginning without even trying and no matter what anyone says, it's not going to make a difference? That's what this is like. He has a very unusual voice and really meaningful lyrics.
I saw him those two times, one time at the "Life is good" festival in MA and then one other time at Toad's Place in New Haven, CT. I also "saw" him at another concert where he was the opener for John Mayer (who I don't even like). I put the word saw in quotes because I was too drunk to actually see him. I was probably just so excited at the prospect of seeing him that I got over zealous and decided to have the second most drunkest experience of my life. By the time he was on stage, I think I was far too consumed with the important task of eating my turkey sandwich on a random stoop somewhere. So, that kind of sucked...mostly for my friend. I obviously had a great time, because like I said, second drunkest experience ever...but, I was sad to miss out on Brett obvi.
I've heard his music a lot more lately...just yesterday at CVS actually. And, I've heard it being played in the mall and in TV shows/movies. Unlike with most artists, I literally know every single one of his songs. His newest album, Loverboy, is my favorite. Give him a listen!
a good song: Heaven
his website: Brett Dennen
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