At first I tried to have everyone line up in the exact opposite/incorrect order because apparently I'm not the brightest (and had already been drinking). Luckily, Danielle (the one on the right...the other two are also named gets confusing) was there to set me straight, like she is so fond of doing, and get us all in a perfect queue.
Afterwards, we took photos reminiscent of the prom in front of the vineyard. Pretty sure we were the only ones doing that.
So, now I'm back in Flor-ee-da. I was supposed to fly back on Monday, but I ended up changing my flight and flying back on Sunday instead because Florida was getting hurricane Isaac on Monday. It wasn't supposed to be bad in central Florida, but I figured it would be wise to not be in a flying object in the sky when it hit. That, and I figured I could forego one additional day of spending money, eating whatever I wanted, and drinking whatever I wanted. It turns out I couldn't and ended up following the exact same protocol on Monday anyway.
I'm not going to bother posting more photos on here because they're all on Facebook anyway. I was good about taking photos, just like I promised myself...I took a shit storm!
Overall, it was sooo fun to be back in CT and see everyone. I majorly lucked out by having the! It was literally sunny every single day, no humidity, windows open all day/night, crickets, etc. Couldn't have asked for anything better. I figure God was rewarding me for being such a loyal follower.
And, I got to see everyone I wanted to with the exception of like 1-2 people. Lots of hiking, lots of walking, lots of being outside, lots of eating & drinking out, lots of eating & drinking in, wineries, tubing, bbq-ing, bon fire, a couple concerts, etc. Ahhhhh, so nice!
I want to end this post on a high-note and a philosophical meandering of sorts (so, it doesn't just seem like I was eating and drinking during my whole vacation). So, heed my advice young ones. Hint: Heed my advice with a huge grain of salt. Remember? I'm single and living with my parents in a retirement community at almost 30 years old, so clearly I may not be the best advice dispenser around.
But, seriously, I think it's important to do things like this, take time out, and go on vacations. As the saying goes, "we do not remember days, we remember moments." And, it's so true. When I look back on various parts of my life, days that stretched into weeks and even months/years seemed so long at the time, but now are only viewed as a particular snapshot in time. You remember the moments. You remember vacations. You remember the memories. You don't remember all the shitty, little, in-between stuff. Granted, the grass is always greener at the time, but one of the greatest parts about being human is, when reflecting back, your mind conveniently grasps tightly to the best times. You remember all the good stuff.
So, keep in touch with the people that matter the most to you and don't be surprised when there's a natural falling out with others. That's bound to happen. It was fun to see some of my good friends but then also see people I hadn't seen in quite a while and don't necessarily keep in great contact with. The sporadic connections are fun in order to see where everyone's at at that point in their life. And, even though people, situations, and circumstances change, it still feels the same, in ways, because of the rooted platform we all jumped off from.
Ok, that is all my darlings :-)